Ellipse Gestion
Ellipse Gestion


Les réglementations techniques et administratives évoluent en permanence. Confier son bien au service Ellipse Gestion, c\'est l\'assurance d\'être accompagné par un professionnel prenant en charge toutes ces démarches.

Notre savoir-faire nous permet de prendre avec les propriétaires, les meilleures décisions afin d\'optimiser les revenus locatifs et de valoriser leur patrimoine.

Nous restons à votre disposition pour tous compléments d\'informations.


Your personal details

* Required

Your contact information

Your enquiry

” The information collected on this form is recorded in a computerized file by Ellipse Gestion to manage your estimate request. They are kept for the duration necessary for the management of the customer relationship in compliance with the applicable legal requirements and are intended for our advisers In accordance with the law "Computing and Freedom", you can exercise your right of access to data concerning you and have them corrected by contacting Ellipse Gestion contact@mbahousing.fr. We inform you of the existence of the "Bloctel" telephone canvassing opposition list, on which you can subscribe here: https://www.bloctel.gouv.fr/